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Anchored in MANA

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The pattern down the side is called Poutama. This is a traditional Māori tukutuku pattern that symbolises the various levels of learning and intellectual achievement and also genealogies.

Gordonton School has many generations of families that come through.

Poutama shows ako (teaching and learning) that takes place through ngākau pono (integrity) and we show awhina (support for each other) and care for each other's mana (manaakitanga).

The anchor is historical and comes from the Anchor Butter Factory.

PB4L - Not sure what to do when?

Follow this flowchart and click on the links for more information.

Flow chart 23.jpg

Problem Behaviour

Is it observable, is it measurable?

What if it's a minor? 

Use the Classroom Management Strategies


Give the student a chance to redeem themselves, e.g., Johnny calls out in class.

Teacher: Johnny, remember to put your hand up if you want to talk then wait for your turn. Can you show me what that looks like?

Avoid saying DON'T call out as this draws attention to the negative behaviour. Focus on the kind of behaviour we want to see which, in this case, is putting up his hand to talk and waiting for his turn.

Sometimes a hand on the shoulder is enough to remind them to focus or just standing behind them.

If the behaviour continues, write a MIF in eTap.

What if it's a major? 

Sometimes majors can be dealt with by the teacher and a MIF needs to be completed on eTap.

For the times when it is really serious of the teacher can't deal with it, refer to Team Leaders. If Team leaders can't deal with it or it needs to go higher, send to DP then Principal.

Students should not be sent straight to the principal unless it is a crisis or the DP is unavailable.


MANA Explained.jpg

How to fill out a MIF

Complete online MIFs on eTap. Go to Guidance and PB4L

You must fill in all sections.
The time must be an actual time, not morning tea or middle block or any words.
You can change the date to the date it actually happened, could be in the past. You don't have to enter the MIF as soon as the incident happened, it should be entered after it is complete.
Select 1 behaviour - the primary behaviour. If there is more than one behaviour, put that in the notes.
If more than one person has done something wrong you need to do a MIF for each one.
You don't have to add notes but it is helpful when looking back at what students have done.

Keep it positive

Part of PB4L is to reward positive behaviours. We do this in a number of ways. The most common is through MANA Cards.

MANA Cards
You should aim to give out 15 of these a week. These are meant to be fast and frequent rewards. They just require you to put the students name and room, tick the value displayed. These go towards house points.
MANA cards then go into the boxes in the office and children get rewards at different levels, depending on the number of MANA Cards they receive.

It is a good idea to have a box in your class that student can put the cards into and then have one person bring them over to the office at the end of the day to avoid children coming in and out of the office and missing out on valuable learning time.

MANA Awards
These are certificates given out at assembly for students who display our school values. The form for these needs to be completed by the Thursday before assembly. Each class gives out 2 certificates.

In class reward systems
You can have your own in class reward system but it must not take away from the school reward system and it must be in line with our school values and is consistent. Avoid rewarding children with lollies or chocolates.

Manaaki Mai
This is for teachers. When someone shows manaakitanga towards you or others, you can write them a Manaaki Mai card and put it in the box. On Fridays, at our Admin meetings, we do a draw for a $5 Book Club Voucher for you to join others socially on a Friday. The rest of the cards get put into staff members' pigeon holes.

Like Maths and Literacy, behaviour is taught. We do this in a positive way and ensure that each child's mana is upheld when we do it. We do not use punitive measures to address behaviour concerns. Depending on the situation, restorative conversations may be held. When a child does not meet our school expectations, we teach them. 

Building strong, positive relationships is an important part of PB4L and has a huge impact on teaching and learning.
Some phrases you can use are
Are you showing Manaakitanga/awhina/ngākau pono/ako?
How can you show Manaakitanga/awhina/ngākau pono/ako?  
What does Manaakitanga/awhina/ngākau pono/ako look like?
What does it look like when you show Manaakitanga/awhina/ngākau pono/ako?

Publicly humiliating children is not acceptable. Sitting a child on the step outside the staffroom doesn't teach children the correct behaviour, it only makes them dislike the teacher. This does not help build strong, positive relationships.

Refrain from putting a child's name on the board for being naughty. It's the same as public humiliation. 

Make sure that you stick to what is in Our Code Our Standards.


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